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The Bells & Bellringers
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View of the Ringing Chamber also showing some of the historic peal boards (Photo courtesy of Cliff Harvey, Bedford Camera Club)
The lower oak 8-bell frame with the tenor bell (1.5 tonnes) front-right, and the 11th bell (The Victory Bell) back-right
Tenor date inscription
The lower oak 8-bell frame with the upper frame for the lightest 4 bells strapped across the base of the spire
The 8 heaviest bells; clockwise from bottom left; 11th, tenor, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 10th, 9th in the centre
The lower frame for the 8 heaviest bells with the upper bell frame for the lightest 4 bells above
The ringers at a Monday evening practice (Photo courtesy of Cliff Harvey, Bedford Camera Club)
The 7th bell (center right) and 8th (bottom right)
The 10th bell (centre left) and 9th bell (centre)
The 10th bell (front) and 9th bell (centre)
The 6th bell (The Sacrin Bell)
Overall; view of the lower and upper frames (7th bell front centre)
Cracks in bell frame foundation
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