Raising money for urgent repairs to the Tower, Clock and Bells of St Paul’s Church

The Tower
St Paul’s tower, an iconic feature of Bedford’s skyline and an instantly recognisable symbol for our town, is crumbling from the inside out and requires urgent work to stabilise the structure and masonry.
The Clock
The tower clock, first installed in 1811, is sorely in need of restoration and repair. Originally funded by public subscription as a symbol of Bedford’s civic pride, we would love to restore it to its former glory.
The Bells
St Paul’s bells have rung out for over 400 years to mark religious, civic and national events. They now urgently need re-hanging to prevent them falling silent forever.
Appeal Progress to November 2024
Total Raised £352,276
We are most grateful to the following who have already generously supported the appeal:
The Dorothy H Porter Trust £217,000
The Friends of St Paul's £20,000
The Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire Historic Churches Trust £20,000
Mrs BL Robinson Charitable Trust £10,000
The Bedford and District Bell Restoration Fund £10,000
The Bedfordshire Charitable Trust £10,000
The Bedfordshire Association of Church Bellringers £8,000
The Gale Family Trust £2,000
Private Sponsorship of Treble Bell £12,500
Private Sponsorship of 2nd Bell £12,500
The Friends of St Paul's Howbury Hall Auction £15,306